If you are having a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
City of Angels NJ, Inc. offers many services for people with substance-use disorders, our families and our veterans.
Call our Hotline 609.910.4942 or our office 609.581.2COA.
If you are actively using drugs and/or alcohol, but you either don’t have health insurance, or you have Medicaid:
Please use the links below to directly access addiction help in New Jersey & Pennsylvania. These are updated sites with direct assistance for each state.
- Click here if you live in New Jersey. Free detox and outpatient care is available by county.
- If you live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, free detox and outpatient care is available thru Aldie Counseling Center. For details or to schedule an appointment for an assessment, click here
- If you are looking for a Sober Home, or want to know more about sober homes, click here.
- Please email info@cityofangelsnj.org if you live somewhere else or have another question.
If you have health insurance (other than Medicaid) or if you would like to speak with an interventionist, click here.
If you have completed detox and are looking for recovery support services, including meetings and COA events, click here.
Because an addict’s family can either help or hinder their recovery, COA strongly recommends that family members attend COA’s Family Program, Nar-Anon, The Breakfast Club and/or NJ Connect for Recovery.