h2>…it’s here, just in time for COA’s Christmas Week Appeal!
Our City of Angels Super 50/50 is here in time for our Christmas Week Appeal! The ticket price is $100. Tickets will be sold through the morning of December 31st. As you may know, COA is dependent on the generous donations of you, our City of Angels family. COA has been servicing our community for fifteen years as a small “mom and pop non-profit”, which means we have not been recipients of Federal, State or County grants. If small business is the engine that make America’s economy run, then our “mom and pop” non-profits are the engine that do the yeoman’s work of the opioid epidemic response at the community level; yet, most grants go to the “big” non-profits who are well connected. Please help COA help others!
Super 50/50 Rules:
To purchase a ticket, please email kevinmeara@cityofangelsnj.org
Each ticket is $100.00
There will be a maximum of 500 tickets to sell.
Winner will receive 50% of actual ticket-sold revenue.
The winning ticket will be drawn on December 31, 2023 at noon.
The winner does not have to be in person to win.